Windows & Doors

Windows That Generate Electricity?

I can't be the only one who has not-so-secretly wondered, and dreamed, about the day when...

Vinyl Versus Wooden Door Frames

Nowadays, even the simplest building choices can become totally overwhelming when you’re...

Seeing The Future Through Smart Windows

A window is a window is a window, right? Sure, with a few small differences: you've got your...

Should You Replace Or Restore Old Windows?

Historic homes tend to have gorgeous windows. It's kind of a trademark. Multipaned windows...

Tips For Repairing Window Screens

Kittens look cute hanging from screen doors, until you look closer and realize they’ve...

Best Tips For Choosing Windows

Choosing windows, whether they are replacement windows or windows for new construction, take...

Fixing Drafty Windows The Common Sense Way

It's simple, but often ignored advice: Fix your drafty windows. You're paying for heat. Do...

How To Secure Your Windows On The Cheap

So you’re living in the city and you’re not exactly neighbors with the governor...